Behaviour Modification
B-mod Booking closed for 2023
What is behaviour modification and why is it different from our private lessons?
Behaviour modification lessons differ from private lessons because of the type of behaviour we are trying to resolve or change. Some examples of these behaviours are leash reactivity, like lunging and barking at other dogs or people, over-arousal, fear or anxiety and excessive barking. Reactive behaviour is often driven by our dog's emotions, genetics and history. By helping you read your dog's body language, being proactive and using counterconditioning we can change your dog's emotional response and in turn their behaviour.
*Prices do not include taxes or service fees*
5-Pack Behaviour Mod - YOUR HOME
$585 + tax
I meet you at your home for 5 behaviour modification training sessions with you and your dog. Save $40 with a pack of 5! At home, your dog can be comfortable in familiar surroundings. Book this type of service to modify and resolve unwanted/reactive behaviours using rewards-based methods. Read More
Single Behaviour Mod - AT HOME
$125 + tax
I meet you at your home or the location of your choice for a single behaviour modification session. At home your dog can be comfortable in familiar surroundings. We highly recommend booking a training package first, as it is difficult to learn new and/or resolve unwanted/reactive behaviours in one session. We can also add singles onto a package once it's complete. Read More
5-Pack Behaviour Mod - AT PARK
$535 + tax
I meet you at Esquimalt Gorge Park for 5 behaviour modification training sessions with you and your dog. Save $40 with a pack of 5! Book this type of service to modify and resolve unwanted/reactive behaviours using rewards-based methods. Read More
Single Behaviour Mod - AT PARK
$115 + tax
I meet you in Esquimalt Gorge Park at the pavillion for a single behaviour modification session. We highly recommend booking a training package first, as it is difficult to learn new and/or resolve unwanted/reactive behaviours in one session. We can also add singles onto a package once it's complete. Read More
We do not accept aggressive cases, dogs with a bite history or separation anxiety.
Contact us for recommended trainers.